Please Read Before You Book
No Funds Are Taken Out At The Time Of Booking. A Card Is Asked To Only Hold Your Reservation In Case Of No Calls/No Show.Keep In Mind There Is a No Call/ No Show and a Last Minute Cancellation Fee. Deposit May Be Required For Groups and Large Parties. If You Are Booking Last Minute For Same Day, Please Call Or Text Before To Make Sure I'm Available. I Cannot Guarantee Last Minute Appointments. Other Accepted Payments Include Cash App, Venmo, Cash, Paypal, and Apple Pay. No Checks Are Accepted.
Travel fees Monday-Thursday is a flat $30 for one person up to 30 miles. Travel fee is $100 for one person on Saturdays up to 40 miles. It’s my busiest day and I lose money by traveling. Group travel fees are less depending on distance. If you want me to travel to you, please let me know in advance so I can provide a quote.Thank You!Book Me Using Square!
Directions & Parking
Info For My Downtown Location!
The actual address of my salon takes you to the other side of the building. But I am in the business offices directly to the left of the pizza place on Twiggs called Eddie and Sam's Pizza, Their address is 203 E Twiggs. Use that to find me.
Call Box
To the left of the entrance is the call box. Press the Home middle button to go to the directory. Go to "R" for Redlipsreview. Click the down button to select and call. Once I buzz you in, come down to suite 106B.
Parking is not free. Street parking is cheaper if you can find it. Its $2.50 an hour. Check you appointment time to see how long you need. You can use an app or pay the machine via credit card. If you cant find street, there is a 717 parking lot directly across from the salon. That space is $13. Please prepare time for you to find parking.